We are seeking to build a lab with dynamic students and researchers of diverse backgrounds and skillsets who are passionate for developing robotic systems and algorithms that will have high societal impact. We are interested in robotics applications including autonomous navigation, healthcare, search and rescue, rehabilitation, and urban air mobility.

Lab Diversity Statement

We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for the MPALA Lab. We recognize that minorities and under-represented groups, including women, people of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, and native Americans have been historically marginalized and overlooked. We firmly believe that some of the most important breakthrough discoveries and impactful contributions in research originate from diverse groups with out-of-the-box thinking.

To this end, we are committed to:
  • Create and maintain a diverse group of people by welcoming individuals regardless of national origin, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity, and trnsgender status), color, race, religion, class, cultural background, age, or disabilities
  • Strive to secure funding for all of our students and researchers
  • Mentor and promote educational resources to all of our lab members
  • Help students develop their self-confidence and at the same time convey that the lab is a place of mutual respect
  • Educate all group members about cultural norms to create a respectful environment

Team Members

Principal Investigator

George P. Kontoudis
Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Mines

Graduate Students

Sanket Salunkhe
PhD Student, Colorado School of Mines
MS New York University
Multi-robot systems

Mykola Mazur
PhD Student (jointly with Anthony Petrella), Colorado School of Mines
MS National Aviation University
Soft robotics

Undergraduate Students

Ross Hodson, SURF scholar '24
BS Student, Colorado School of Mines

Multi-robot systems

Remi Jones
BS Student, Colorado School of Mines

Robot hands

Elijah Paiz
BS Student, Colorado School of Mines

Robot hands

Join the MPALA Lab

We are always happy to discuss about research opportunities in our lab, but please do not stop by the lab or Dr. Kontoudis' office without coordinating first via email. Potential students and researchers should be familiar with our work (see Research and Publications pages) and justify their research interests. If you are interested in joining our lab, send us an email at george.kontoudis@mines.edu prior submitting your application and include the following items.
  • Title: Interested in joining the MPALA Lab
  • Express interest in a specific job opening (if any)
  • Research background and experience including any projects that you participated and/or publications (even work in progress)
  • Research interests including some publications that you liked from our lab (see Publications page)
  • Attach your CV, publications, and transcripts